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Happy Project Day!

«Happy Project Day!

Today, we celebrated learning and community at Wunderpark. To mark the end of Module 3, primary students showed off their hard work during our Project Day.

Students from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 researched topics, worked together to make presentations, and shared their knowledge with their schoolmates.

The purpose of this very special day is sharing.  We learn best when we tell each other what we know and listen to what others have to say.  

Thank you to everyone! Well done»

Geoffrey Adamson, Curator of the International program

Все, что нужно знать о поступлении в Wunderpark, и не только
Анонс: II апрельская wunder-конференция "ИИ в образовании. Первые шаги"
Калейдоскоп событий: январь, февраль